Test and Tag Queensland Assurance:
Does your work place comply with OH&S regulation AS/NZS 3760:20-10? Test and Tag Queensland will assure it does.
Testing and tagging, is not just about compliance, it’s about safety, to provide a safe workplace for your employees and your customers.
Every electrical appliance has a plug that needs to be inserted into a wall socket to draw power from it to make it work. These must be tagged and tested. We at Test and Tag Queensland want to help you to discharge your duty of care for OH&S regulations AS/NZS 3760:2010. We have the qualifications and the electrical testing safety equipment to enable us to perform testing and tagging any electrical appliance, no matter where it is, and also how sophisticated the appliance or machinery is.
At Test and Tag Queensland we are competent and qualified electrical Test and Tag technicians and are fully insured electrical contractors offering our services to Test and Tag your electrical equipment today, with our no fuss, uncomplicated approach. There is no disruption to any work staff and our very friendly Test and Tag technicians will record all data results and records will be emailed to you.